Recently, DJ D-Nice took to Instagram and hosted a live DJ session. With everyone in quarantine, folks were tuning in like they were at a real party. As I watched, I began to think through some things the church can learn from D-Nice's Instagram HomeSchool Party.
1. People might come to be ENTERTAINED, but they stay when they are MOVED.
The idea of partying with others is what got people there, but being moved is what kept them there.
Is your church entertaining people or moving people?
2. The problem isn’t with a one-hour sermon, it’s just that many sermons don’t have the substance to keep attention.
DNice spends hours online spinning classic tracks. But he thinks about his movements ahead of time. Moving from one genre to the next. His movements are intentional and beautiful. Making people get lost in the music.
Pastors, if you’re having a hard time keeping people’s attention, then your movements might be confusing. If people are checking their watches when you preach, it’s not a short attention span problem, it might be the inability to keep attention. And that requires structure.
If you’re having a hard time keeping people’s attention, then your movements might be confusing.
3. Dialogue works much better than a monologue.
The Black church has always known this with its call and response services. Now that many churches are moving to online services, our Anglo brothers and sisters are learning something. People like you to talk WITH them, not TO THEM.
May we take these lessons and continue to BE THE CHURCH.
People like you to talk WITH them, not TO THEM.